Staff Spotlight - Meet Ester Dela Paz

Staff Spotlight
February 26, 2021

This week's spotlight is on Ester Dela Paz! Ester is one of our Attendance Clerk/OA at GFES.

We love having Ester Dela Paz with us at Glen Forest ES! Let's learn more about Ester Dela Paz....

Staff Member:  Ester Dela Paz 

Years at Glen Forest ES:  2

Why do you love working at Glen Forest? When I was job hunting, I was searching for a place that would give me time with my kids.  They are still at that age where they aren’t embarrassed to hang out with their parents.  Working at GFES gives me those same holidays off as them.  An added benefit is the camaraderie in the front office.  The first year working here, I felt an instant drive with our team.  They all work for the betterment of GFES. A different take, as a FCPS parent, working at GFES has given me such a great assurance that our kid’s education is priority one - from the selection of GREAT teachers to the community input of selecting our principals.

Book you are currently reading:  At this point in my life, I’m lucky I get to choose what I read at night!  Currently, it is up to my 10 yr. old son.  Right now, we are reading Encyclopedia Brown.  It’s about a 10 yr. old detective - similarities anyone!  On my own time, it’s pretty much news articles - not books.

Hobbies/Interests:  Personal hobby is baking traditional Guam desserts.  Yes, I know, the ever popular hobby of baking!  BUT it really brings back memories of me growing up on Guam AND it is one way I like to share childhood stories with my kids as we enjoy our treats. (Okay, GFES teachers, I know I must have messed up on my sentence structure here.  Apologies 😊) Family hobby we picked up during the pandemic is fishing.  We’re hoping to catch something besides catfish at Burke Lake!