Staff Spotlight - Meet Meredith Jessen

This week's spotlight is on Meredith Jessen! Meredith is one of our 5th grade teachers at GFES.
We love having Meredith Jessen with us at Glen Forest ES! Let's learn more about Meredith....
Staff Member: Meredith Jessen
Years at Glen Forest ES: 6
Why do you love working at Glen Forest? I love the students, the staff, the community but most importantly the diversity and all of the different cultures. Being a part of Glen Forest is amazing! We are always learning and willing to help out with anything. It’s a second family that I am truly proud to be a part of!
Book you are currently reading: I just finished reading “Dragonfly” which is a historical fiction book based around World War II. It’s close to 600 pages, but it was so good! I have several options to choose from for my next read, but in the meantime I’ll be reading “Because of Mr. Terupt” with my class.
Hobbies/Interests: I enjoy reading, spending time with my niece, family and friends. I like to try new recipes, working out and finding local businesses I can support.