Staff Spotlight - Meet Tasha King

This week's spotlight is on Tasha King! Tasha King is our Finance Technician at Glen Forest. Tasha maintains our schools accounting and financial records! She welcomes our students everyday from the main office, and is always thinking of how to financially help the needs of our students and teachers. She makes sure that our field trips, school events, and classrooms have everything they need to run smoothly! We love having Tasha King with us at Glen Forest ES!
Staff Member: Tasha King
Years at Glen Forest ES: 8
Why do you love working at Glen Forest? My mom came to the U.S. at age 20, and so I feel a close alliance with families who are new to the country and speak another language at home. I love that our students come from dozens of countries and speak dozens of languages, and I love how our teachers and admin set high goals for our students, and help them achieve.
Book you are currently reading: Nothing currently….the one that I plan to read during winter break is A Most Beautiful Thing: The True Story of America's First All-Black High School Rowing Team.
Hobbies/Interests: I enjoy hiking and cross-country skiing…two things that unfortunately I don’t do much of here in Virginia. I also enjoy researching my family tree and doing translations for others who are researching Norwegian family history. Other interests: going on walks with my family and our dog Appa, and listening to BTS.